Architecture Workgroup

The 2.0 Tooling project will identify and maintain 2.0 tooling requirements to support collaborative development of OTA 2.0 Models that conform to the OpenTravel Model specifications and XML Schema Specifications conforming to the OpenTravel XML Schema 2.0 Best Practices. The project will also guide the development and contributions of any open source tooling made available to members or the public under license from Open Travel.

The OpenTravel 2.0 Prototype project has now moved beyond the simple prototyping stage. It is now necessary to build out all the components of the model in order to allow the community to consume the specifications. The best practices are reflected in the OpenTravel model (OTM)  that will allow the first generation of new message specifications to be generated. The model is a small series of related XML documents that are consumed by an XML compiler that will render the specification into the publishable XML schema and WSDLs that may be consumed by a developer.

The OpenTravel Code List Optimization Project key objective is to reduce the complexity and improve the quality of the data in the Code List.  Changes will be limited to the code list so that upgrading to a new version of the messages will not be required.

The OpenTravel 2.0 Project is refining a common set of “standard vocabulary-based” components for the travel industry from which XML messages are constructed by reflecting the changing way XML is used in the travel marketplace.


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